More Light!

Hoooray! We made it to Daylight Savings Time! This is always a milestone after the long, dark winter. As nature begins to awaken,  we see the light green shimmer on the trees as they begin to bud, and flowers push their shoots through the soil, it starts to feel like something wonderful is on the horizon... the potential for newness, and change, for  rebirth!

It is a perfect time to START. Whatever it is that has been quietly asking for your attention... your health and fitness goals, your relationship, your quest to find your passion... this time of year seems like it was made to help propel you on your journey. The time is now.

I have some really fun and helpful exercises lined up for our spring sessions to expedite the process of change. Message for details! Spring specials, and event news as well. Happy Daylight Savings Time, everyone!

Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it;
Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it.- J.W von Goethe