Brenda Lane Coaching
1 hr ·
Happy Wednesday! This morning I am basking in the afterglow of having spent a super fun evening in the company of two of my dearest, oldest friends. We three know each other so well. Nothing is off the table, discussion wise. We feel totally at ease sharing the good, the bad and the ugly, as well as any successes and hilarious fails and almosts. We have seen each other through boyfriends, heartbreaks, marriage, kids, career changes, parental challenges, financial issues... everything! Life! I never leave these two feeling anything less than loved and cared for. I TRUST them. I trust their insight and their wisdom. They have seen me monumentally fail and be wrong, and they still love me. They are not blood relatives that are obligated somehow to be there. We CHOOSE to be there for our friends. That is pretty powerful and pretty special. Friendship is one of the great blessings of life. Taking time for our friendships is one of the most important things we can do for ourselves. And not just calling each other when times are tough (although that is certainly a part of being in a deep, real friendship) Connecting and getting together just for fun, to laugh, to reminisce, to plan the next adventure. And just to revel in the company of someone that asks nothing of you, just that you BE YOU. Do it. Reach out, reconnect, feel the love, have fun, laugh until your belly hurts!! You deserve it! And so do they! xo