
So a couple of days ago, I lost my phone. It seems to have sought liberation from my pocket while I was running. Upon returning home, I experienced the frantic searching, retracing of footsteps, the futile app from another phone to locate my device...to no avail..." Ground control to Major Tom, your circuit's dead, there's something wrong, can you hear me, Major Tom..." and nothing, only silence.

So rather than rush out and get a new phone, I decided to spend the day unplugged.

 While many are able to maintain a disciplined detachment from all social media, or Google, or YouTube, or checking the weather in a friend's country or converting kilometres to miles, or whathaveyou… I was not. 

My phone, was in some ways, my smart little buddy. Irritating, attention seeking but also, reliable for the most part, and a constant companion. Co dependent, in a way I never felt about a human relationship. Not a great look.


How is my third day phone free? I AM LOVING IT and look forward to spending another blissful day 'solo'!

Reminding me that almost nothing commands our instant attention. Reminding me that the time that preceded that last 10 years, before smart phones, we all seemed to do OK, get things done, figure out  what was going on and what needed doing.

Reminding me to be here now.