
Oh disappointment! How do you have the capacity to deflate us so suddenly and so thoroughly? Whether it be a friend breaking a plan, a no show client, or even the times we spend in reflection of all that never was....disappointment can take a toll, and lead us down the rabbit hole of despair... and rapidly seem to unravel the work we have been doing to be strong, be in the moment, be positive, be joyful....how, oh, how to reboot our feelings?

First of all, being aware that this feeling of despair and disappointment is temporary, is paramount. My favorite mantra for these times is, "This too shall pass."

Realize and acknowledge that this is not forever. It may manifest in some of us as a deep anxiety, heart racing, perspiration and hot or cold. In others, we may just feel a sense of dread,  super heavy,  tired heart, depression. Or a bit of both.

Feel it for a moment. Close your eyes and inhale slowly through your nose. Purse your lips in a kiss pose and breathe out. Shoulders down. A few more breaths, in and out.

Say it, aloud is extra good, but silently to yourself  works too. "This too shall pass." Choose your own phrase that resonates... sometimes I use gratitude, to the universe for delivering me to this moment. ( I have occasionally pushed the envelope of life, and am genuinely grateful to be here)

If the tears want to come, let them. Be conscious of the process. Do not allow it to propel the spiral. Let it be a cathartic thunderstorm, that passes and clears.

Exercise, music, art, service to others, walking in nature... all of these are fantastic to redirect our thoughts. Sometimes during the course of these diversions, we will have an epiphany about what is REALLY going on. "OH, that happened because this triggered that...."

Working on creating a community or network of trusted comrades is also super helpful. Some of my most trusted comrades have 4 legs and hooves. Some are in typical human form, but for me, are my angels. Seek those beings that appreciate you, love you and make you feel loved and trusted and worthy. When I needed to expand this part of my network, I began to volunteer in animal rescue. For me, it was a game changer. There was furry love and acceptance all around!

Ultimately, your best comforter and cheerleader really is YOU. All of your years are a culmination of "what works"!

You've got this!!!









You've got this!!!