Carrying On

Good Morning, everyone. Today, I would like to talk about how we navigate through the darkest times. It seems that each day we are confronted with things, often through social media but also through our own lives, that are so painful, unexplainable and unsolvable, we feel the air sucked out of our lungs and the very act of carrying on seems too much. How do we dig deep, access our inner strength, pull ourselves up, and push through? Gently. With great self care and compassion. Allow the sorrow, feel the feelings, acknowledge what is, what has been. For some this is with tears. Others, stillness and silence. Most importantly, reach out. This can be reaching out to nature. Spending time in the woods, at the ocean, even in the midst of the city, nature is alive all around you. A seagull, a bird, a lone tree. It can also be reaching out to another person we trust. Before unloading our burden, enquire whether they have a moment. Tell them you need some time. In that way, if this is not a great time for them, you can request another more convenient time. Opening your heart to the bigger picture is also helpful. There are so many things that are RIGHT. If you are healthy, acknowledging the miracle of our bodies. There is so much GOOD, but at times it feels like the darkness overwhelms our ability to notice. Ask yourself to be awake to the miracles around. Not to hide from our grief and sorrow, but to realize that it is a piece of us, of our experience, and not the whole experience.
This process is unique to each of us. There is no right way. It has no set timeline. Some grief is forever, a chronic hurt that becomes manageable. Others, pass with nary a backward glance. All feelings are valid.
For anyone that is hurting, I want to let you know I am here. As a friend, as a coach, as someone who cares. It does not matter how we know each other or even if we DO know each other. If you reach out to me, I will reach back.

With love xo

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