
Brenda Lane Life Coaching

Mid-March! We are teetering upon the cusp of Spring. If you have been understandably distracted by world events, and have been, like many of us, sent into a state of near apathy, I am here to give the rallying cry. All is not lost. You are not lost. In the darkest times, humanity has always found a way out, a way to renew and rejoice. 

And know that your voice and your action, will move the needle. History is filled with examples of seemingly endless reigns of terror and injustice... Followed by revolution, sometimes peaceful, sometimes bloody... And change. 

Perhaps the greatest slogan of all time is, "Just Do It".  You are not helpless, and you are not a victim.

Taking action does not have to be huge and massively premeditated. If the environment is your biggest concern, go out and spend a half hour picking up litter. It is incredibly satisfying. Animals? Volunteer, or donate to a rescue. They all need your help. Kids? Most schools need supplies, volunteers, money. Every bit helps. Your energy and intention is also a thing. It is felt, seen and noticed. And it inspires. 

The other superpower that is available to us all is art. Appreciating it and creating it. There is a good reason that the Taliban has long banned music. It is a nuclear force for expression, and for community. If you possess the magical gift of music, use it. And those of us whose lives have been infinitely altered by the presence of music will support you... Dance, theatre, poetry...art, in one form or another, always survives to tell the truth.

The world needs you, needs your gifts. That smile on the subway to that lonely kid or older person? A gift. Keep giving, refuse to let the hate infect you, and sedate you.

By taking some sort of action, I guarantee your apathy and ennui will lift at least a little. You will move the proverbial needle.

Get out there. Change the world.  You've got this.

One love, people. xo