Happy 2020 everyone! Wow, we are a week and a half into this new decade...how does it feel? The days are incrementally growing longer and lighter... hooray! It feels like we have turned a corner.
January is a perfect time to get right into our intentions and goals for the coming year. I can get a little deer in headlights with this task as it can seem kind of overwhelming... if this is you... let's break it down and make it easy.
Identify 3 things that you would like to have in your life this year. Here's my sample list:
'More sleep'. This a great one, as most everyone is sleep deprived. Be vigilant. Sleep is going to the gym for your brain. It is ESSENTIAL. There is a reason why sleep deprivation is used as an interrogation and torture technique. Without proper sleep, we cannot function. Prioritize this and you will feel better. Guaranteed.
'Less drama'. That comes up A LOT. What does that mean? Not getting pulled into things that we have no business being pulled into. Setting boundaries and enforcing them. Not taking the bait that some of our 'dramatists' set for us. (see 'boundaries') Pausing before we answer. Hit the personal edit button. Walking away.
'Laughing'. However that happens for you, do it more. Comedy on TV? Hanging out with friends? Reading something hilarious? Whatever works.
When I am behind the keyboard for too long and start getting that ants-in-my-pants, totally stressed out feeling of panic...rather than get up, (because for me, getting up can trigger me bailing on what I am doing and losing focus) I literally force my face to relax... and then close my eyes to recall a super funny moment in my life...One favorite hilarious memory, that never fails to crack me up, took place several years ago. My husband and I were in Germany with a good friend. It was winter and we were visiting beautiful Neuchwanstein Castle, nestled high in the mountains of Bavaria. It was a clear and frosty day, with snow on the ground. We spent a lovely afternoon touring and then began the descent back to the car. The winding and steep steps leading down to the parking lot were accompanied by a rope 'railing' which was not very stable... but it was essential to cling to as the stairs and ground were extremely icy. I had made the mistake of wearing boots better suited to a nightclub than traversing a frozen mountain. The bottoms were slick as skis. I found myself leaning and depending on the rope 'rail' with more and more urgency. At one particularly icy patch my boots caught air and I landed on my bum... and proceeded to go full speed down the mountain, whilst clinging to the rope railing. Unfortunately a group of tourists were making their way UP the stairs, also clinging to the rope. As I was totally unable to stop myself, I must have called out for them to get out of the way as I hurtled toward them. Who knows what language they spoke or if that would have even mattered as I am sure what came out of my mouth while wildly flying down the mountain was far more like some primal scream than any articulated language based warning. What a site it must have been. I think I did a couple of somersaults, attempting, with zero success, to stop. I eventually landed in a heap in the parking lot... laughing so hard I could not get up for several minutes. Once they saw I was OK, my husband and my friend collapsed into hysterical laughter as well. I only wish I had film footage of it. Even as I type this I am laughing.
Laughing really hard is like a mini vacation. Do it as often as you can.
Proclaim your intentions and goals... then take action! You are full of love, unique talents and you are exactly where you are supposed to be.
You've got this!!! Happy 2020