The Spark

That thing you had when you were little. That spark you saw in yourself when you did something amazing that was unnoticed by the adults around, or the other kids, but that resonated in you and made you believe in magic, or that you were onto something that possibly no other person in the history of the world knew about or had seen and yet, here it was, revealed to you?!! A perfect, golden fallen leaf landing at your feet, a pure white feather, a baby rabbit in your garden, a cloud that looked like a unicorn? Leaping over an impossibly huge puddle, and getting so much air as if to fly?

You are still that light. That magic is still happening all around you. If we shifted our focus we could still be participating in this glorious, wonderful world on that same enchanted level.

Many of us have moved further and further away from mystery and wonder and closer to cynicism and the distraction of mundane things. Cynicism and contempt have infected many of our relationships and interactions.

Not only is this soul destroying, like a personal purgatory to which we are sentencing ourselves, it is quite possibly affecting our health, our work and our relationships.

It need not be so. That very world of wonder, that revealed itself to us? It is still there. The puddles to be leapt over, the gently falling leaves , the random feather nestled near a fencepost, or even in the corner of a parking garage. No less wonderous, these things that show up and become part of our story. It only depends on how we see them.

And how we see ourselves.
