
Brenda Lane Coaching

7m ·

Looking outside at the budding plants, the new growth in the grass, daylight extending longer and longer... the countdown to spring has begun! What a perfect time to reflect on where we are at, emotionally, and physically, and align our goals. Sometimes when 'goals' are mentioned people instantly feel pressure and the fear of failure, sabotages whatever endeavor we desire to achieve before we even begin. The goals I want to focus on today are not of the freak out/ high pressure variety. They are of the 'I love life, and life loves me' variety. They are about having fun, not taking things personally, not inserting ourselves and our opinions where they are not needed, hanging out with people that leave you feeling smart, beautiful, and heard, and tapping into feeling so good in your own skin that other people glom onto that vibe and feel good about THEIR own skin and who THEY are -effortlessly- that whole thing resonates and perpetuates.


Laughing more. Do it. Be loud, if you must. Let forth.

Smiling. People go on about missing smiles because of masks, but you know what? Smiles come from people's eyes. I mean, it is a collaborative effort between the eyes, mouth and soul, but I think the eyes are the true litmus test facially. Smiling is an underused superpower.

Running, skipping, silly walks, whatever. Move outside in a different way. Things will look and feel fresh. You will probably laugh your #$% off as well. Or others will. Even better. Music! Do not ignore music as a mental game changer. Pay zero attention to what others may or may not think is cool. Listen to what you love and listen to it as often and as loudly as you can get away with. It is mini vacation for your spirit.

Love on your people. Tell them how much you love them; how much they mean. Do not do this transactionally: do not focus on what THEY say/or do not say back. These statements are stand alones. Express your love as the unconditional gift it is.

I promise that any or all of these 'goals' will make your day better. If they can be incorporated with any kind of regularity, you may see a kind of amazing shift.

What have you got to lose?

One love, people xo