January has established herself with an intense presence. In Los Angeles, the devastating wildfires have caused apocalyptic damage.
And as ever, heroic acts of selflessness and courage have emerged. First responders working 'round the clock in unfathomable conditions, neighbors assisting neighbors, distressed animals, wild and domestic, being cared for with such tenderness. The outpouring of help from countries the world over, many of whom have been shamefully maligned by some politicians, is humbling. This is grace. Amidst the chaos, goodness, kindness and compassion for our fellow beings emerges.
It is this spirit, that I believe most of us possess, that rises up when faced with the most difficult circumstances. We shrug off our differences and embrace our common humanity.
Not everyone is on this journey with us. Some very vocally, are looking to place blame for the loss, others are seeking to leverage this catastrophy as a political 'win', based on conspiracies, cruelty, namecalling and nonsense.
Responding with anger, or even responding, depletes our reserves for the very real work that we can do to help.
Feeling helpless and overwhelmed?
Do something. Make a decision, based on your circumstances and your skill set.
Take action, whether it is a monetary donation, or fostering a displaced pet, or whatever, do what you can. All of us are so good at a zillion things that we rarely utilize...tap into your talent pool and your friend group.
And the haters, the vampires trying to suck up your high vibration with their negativity? Let them go.
The preponderance of helpers, of bravery and unfettered generosity is what has kept humanity going. Ride this vibe.
One love, people.